The first Aspartame comic outlines the history of the fraudulent approval of Aspartame; with testimonies from doctors and information about how it affects the body. Watch this 15 minute video of the original comic.
A tragedy occurs when Dr Ralph Walton conducts a double blind study...
Dr Ralph Walton & Dr Woodrow C. Monte's study of pregnant women consuming methanol via Aspartame found in diet drinks. They feel the rise in cases of autism in children is linked to consuming Aspartame while pregnant.
Dr Roberts explains why chewing sugar-free chewing gum is so dangerous...
Dr Russell Blaylock explains the dangers of monosodium glutamate
Dr Russell Blaylock explains the dangers of monosodium glutamate - Part Two
Testimonies from pilots and doctors about the consumption of Aspartame while flying
Learn about the history and dangers of GM and GMO food since 1994. The thumbnail isn't showing, but the video works!