It's official, food manufacturers are embarrassed by the bad publicity given by the food additives on their labels such as Monosodium Glutamate (MSG), Aspartame and other harmful artificial sweeteners. But it's not really about hiding their heads in shame because they put such junk in the world's food chain; it's whether it's still profitable to continue to do so. Oh, come on... you didn't really fall for the idea that ultra high processed food manufacturers really care for the health of its consumers, did you?
This from Transparency Market Research, March 2020 HERE
"Clean label is referred to food additives or ingredients that are fruits, vegetable, colors, flavors, flours, starch, sweeteners, malt, and others that fulfil any or all of the primary factors (such as less product ingredients with no chemical name, easy to understand, no artificial additives) and minimum one secondary factors (that include natural, organic and non-GMO products). An increase in clean label product is because of the growth in consumer preference towards clean label food products that indirectly drive intake of clean label ingredients another reason is the health issues that are linked to the consumption of artificial food additives of which people are becoming health alert and cautious for food safety."
The trouble is, they can't help themselves. Food manufacturers have been lying for so long, like the snake oil merchants of old and they're really good at it - and we're too damned busy most of the time to say - what does 'natural flavouring' really mean in a product? Natural flavouring is where there's potential to hide MSG under a different name - depending on the percentage of MSG in the product, manufacturers are not required by law to label it as MSG...
I'm sure they hope we won't notice... They try and deceive us with words like 'natural' hoping we'll swoon in ecstasy - which most of the time we do...

We're saved - they says it's natural!! It's OK, I'm not such a bad mother after all, giving you this poisonous junk masquerading as something natural in your lunchbox! Didn't the nice lady 'Mrs. Funmi Ogunjobi, a nutritionist and mother of three' tell me it was safe?
“My children’s school bags are never complete without a pack of their favourite Capri-Sun because they know what they want. I know what is best for them, and that is why I always ensure to give them Capri-Sun daily,” she added.

"Chi Limited, manufacturers of various fruit drinks, has harped on the health benefits of Capri-Sun fruit drink, describing it as a having a ‘Clean Recipe’ that gives it edge over many brands in the market. The company pointed out that while there are several brands in the fruit drink category targeted at children and currently competing for leadership through various offerings, a ‘Clean Recipe’ is Capri-Sun." HERE gets worse... they continue with:
"Capri-Sun is a leading brand in this category because it contains natural ingredients that can contribute to the growth and development of children."
Growth and Development of Children? Oh, please! (extract from MSG comic - Part One)

“...It is important for parents to know that when their kids consume these unwholesome fruit drinks, they not only miss out on all the benefits of taking fruit drinks made from premium natural ingredients, but they also leave their children’s health vulnerable to the long term implications from the ingredients within these products,” it added. Furthermore, it pointed out that concerns have been raised on the possible link between food additives and neurological development deficiencies, including Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in children.
A number of recent studies have been performed worldwide to explore the possible relationship between food colourings and ADHD in children. A 2012 analysis of studies co-authored by Joel Nigg, professor of psychiatry, pediatrics and behavioral neuroscience at Oregon Health & Science University showed that studies support the link between additives and hyperactivity..."
(More amplification with yet more statistics from another piece of news about Capri-Sun)

Oh, you mean the same 'natural flavouring' that's potentially hiding the toxic chemicals that's ubiquitous in highly processed food? Yet it's still included in our food? What sort of double-speak is this? Unfortunately, most people won't listen even when you tell them... the misinformation by food manufacturers is so persuasive; people watch the TV or read posts online with glazed eyes... many people are also poisoned and dumbed down by their own consumption of dangerous food additives - this has been going on for decades!
Tropicana sued over presence of malic acid in 'natural juices' - HERE
...One problem with food labeling today is that terms such as "pure" and "natural" have no official definition and therefore their meanings are open to interpretation. According to CBS News, there were approximately 300 lawsuits involving use of the term "natural" on food products from 2015 to 2018.
Some legal challenges have had results. General Mills quit using the term "100% natural" on its Nature Valley granola bars following settlement of a 2016 lawsuit filed by three consumer groups that the product contained trace amounts of the weed-killing chemical glyphosate.
While the FDA has asked for public comments on the term "natural," it hasn't yet come up with a new definition or guidance for industry using it on product labeling. Until it does, manufacturers are likely to continue using the term since it appeals to consumers, and shoppers will probably continue looking for it on store shelves. Should what they find not correspond with their sense of the meaning, though, they may decide to take the issue to court...
Read what is really going on from an expert in the field, become informed, save a life! Read what is really going on from an expert in the field, become informed, save a life!

Dr. Russell Blaylock, a retired neurosurgeon talks about the food manufacturers deception in his book: 'Excitotoxins - The Taste that Kills'.
"Another way the FDA works with the Glutamate Association is by yielding to their lobbying efforts to change the labeling laws so that the words “monosodium glutamate” are not required on food labels unless it contains 100% pure MSG. Also MSG need not even be mentioned by any name if one product containing pure MSG is only used as an ingredient in another food. For example, if broth is used to make a soup, and the broth contains pure MSG, MSG does not have to be listed as an ingredient. But if the broth is sold alone, it must appear on the label.
As Dr. Schwartz has shown, substances labeled as “spices,” “natural flavoring” and “flavoring” may contain anywhere from 30% to 60% MSG. But you as a consumer are denied this vital information. Your only recourse is to avoid all foods with these hidden label names. And as you will quickly discover, most manufactured foods contain one or more of these excitotoxin “taste enhancers.”
So what should the FDA do? First, it should guarantee the consumer nutritional information by requiring the manufacturer to list all additives containing MSG and hydrolyzed vegetable protein and do so under these names and not disguised names. Second, it should conduct open hearings on the safety of these additives with scientific testimony from those not connected to the food manufacturing industry or to the manufacturers of MSG, NutraSweet®, or hydrolyzed vegetable protein, or their representatives."
Read my MSG comics to find out about the corrupt activities of the food manufacturers and how the governing bodies have their hands tied because of the corporate interests of the Glutamate Industry.
Oh, here's the chaser...
"...The Global Clean Label Ingredients Market is expected to reach USD 57.05 billion by 2025, from USD 34.22 billion in 2017 growing at a CAGR of 6.6% during the forecast period of 2018 to 2025."
Profiting from the clean label ingredients?