Do you find that you can't stop drinking diet drinks? When you recycle, is your bin full of empty diet drink cans and bottles? Or do you occasionally drink diet products? Or maybe you add 'Equal' or 'Nutrasweet' to your hot drinks instead of sugar? Either way, when the artificial sweetener Aspartame is consumed it is proven that you run the risk of multiple health problems.
In this post I want to mainly discuss ADDICTION. No, you're not addicted to diet drinks but you are addicted to the methyl ester which further breaks down to methanol which is released into your body when a diet drink is consumed. Ann Hensz's story of addiction to Diet Coke is a sad one.
We all know that ethanol (drinking alcohol) is damaging to a person but "free" methyl alcohol or methanol is much worse because it's highly addictive, therefore withdrawal from drinking diet sodas is a problem. Try telling a person who is addicted to drinking Diet Coke that they shouldn't be drinking it - very problematic indeed! I know - I've tried!
What is methanol? It's another type of alcohol but not like a flavoured gin, whiskey, wine or a glass of cider (which is ethanol alcohol); methanol is the sort of alcohol you would use to clean industrial machinery! Think more along the lines of methylated spirit, rough alcohol. Sometimes it's called 'wood alcohol'. Every time you consume a diet drink it breaks down into: Aspartic acid, Phenylalanine, Methyl Ester and then to Formaldehyde...
Formaldehyde? Who would willingly consume that? What are the implications of consuming formaldehyde? Formaldehyde will accumulate in the body and is highly likely to have a toxic effect on the sensitive tissues in the body; like the eyes and the brain. If you are addicted, as many people are, you might find that your eyesight diminishes. I remember a man who was addicted to diet coke. He was almost blind. His wife begged me to make him see that this had all happened since he started drinking Diet Coke. I showed him the film: Sweet Misery.
I brought out the book by Dr Roberts 'Aspartame Disease - An Ignored Epidemic' - a medical text of over 1000 pages of case studies. Nothing I said could convince him because he was addicted to the methanol in Aspartame; no different than an alcoholic addicted to whisky!

I've witnessed a whole family addicted to Diet Pepsi. The father was in the worst condition with severe psychological disturbances; he was on many medications which in turn could have exasperated the problem by interacting with the chemical Aspartame; as it's known to do this. The wife knew he had a serious problem and tried to get him to stop drinking Diet Pepsi; she also drank it but to a lesser extent, thinking it was helping her lose weight. She didn't lose weight, she gained weight. The son had similar psychological problems as his father and was also under a doctor. I tried to warn them, but like all addicts, how do you stop an alcoholic from desiring another drink? In the future, we're going to see Aspartame sufferers attending AA - 'Aspartame Anonymous'!

Info from Dr Woodrow C. Monte:
... The Science: Aspartame tastes sweet because, attached to it, is a molecule of methanol (wood alcohol). The methanol is very loosely bound and will fly off with the slightest heating or when consumed. Because methanol’s toxicity is well known, millions of dollars were invested by Aspartame’s inventors in an attempt to attach some other “safer” substance, but this attempt was not successful. With the approval of Aspartame, a new source of methanol was added to what is a very short list of methanol containing foods.
Methanol - Trojan Horse: Why is methanol dangerous? Inside cells, methanol is converted to formaldehyde, an undetectable toxin and recognized cancer causing agent of the highest order (Group I). Even when formaldehyde is injected directly into a living human, it turns into formal hydrate, a very aggressive molecule that instantly attaches to any protein molecule which it makes contact.
The formaldehyde molecule then completely disappears within the cover of the much larger protein. No diagnostic procedures, can detect a protein molecule so changed, yet the damaged molecule, loses function. Damaged protein molecules are not tolerated by the immune system. Specific detection sites for “formaldehyde modified protein” are found on white blood cells called macrophages. Macrophages seek out and destroy these proteins at a rate 100 times faster than proteins not treated with formaldehyde. Upon autopsy, macrophages are found in the damaged areas of the brains of those who have died with MS ...
Most importantly, hundreds of people have seen an improvement and even banished their symptoms simply by STOPPING THE CONSUMPTION OF ASPARTAME. Please don't forget to check labels on all food and drink products as manufacturers often don't make it clear that it contains Aspartame (E951). Also, check all medications because Aspartame is in hundreds of over the counter drugs and prescribed drugs and ordinary vitamin and mineral supplements; especially soluble & chewable ones.
Tell your friends, family and watch for the warning signs of ill health if you know someone who consumes diet or zero calorie products. Children and the elderly are especially at risk because they have a weaker blood brain barrier, thereby allowing more toxins into the brain.
Once your eyes are opened, you'll notice that supermarkets have far more zero calorie drinks than sugared ones. In the UK, this is because of the sugar tax introduced in 2018. Even in hospital cafes I've noticed that they favour zero calorie drinks over 'natural' or sugared drinks.

Be cautious with drinks you once knew and trusted - Ribena changed its recipe away from sugar. Often, Aspartame is hidden on the label - if it says zero or low calorie then beware!
If in doubt - CHECK EVERYTHING!!!
Take the 60 day test - stop taking anything that contains Aspartame and keep a diary to see how your health improves. Sucralose is also something to avoid, check out my pages for more info. Read the 'Aspartame Injuries' pages - and if you don't find that a sobering read then try the 'Aspartame Toxicity - The Scientific Reports' page.
Rumour has it that President Trump drinks 12 cans of Diet Coke a day.... in fact even one can is dangerous indeed for a leader with a finger on the bomb button...

One can of Aspartame laden drink can cause symptoms - put down the weapon of mass destruction!